Just finished a Captain Flamingo board, split with Mr. K. Schmid, should be a good one. Teaching Shirley the ways of flash. These are some of her builds of some of my designs, some for Mythunderstood, some not.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Story idea where Carl takes a break from the old personal hygiene.
Thanks to GSO (Garnet) for some BG texturing tips and SSO (Shirley) for the flash builds.
Based on a fantastic sketch by Pat Pakula (link to the right) I started this a couple weekends ago but real work got in the way...so i this is as far as it got.
Found some drawings of an old idea i pitched. thought i might take another crack at it. Still deciding on line style. Most likely it will be the thick black outer line. i've been watching alot of Billy and Mandy here and i really like how they use the black line. I'll try posting the rest of the characters later.